Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |


Partakers is a local organization making life-changing impacts on the lives of individuals who are incarcerated and who are returning citizens (aka formerly incarcerated). Volunteers play a critical part by serving as mentors in two Partakers programs: College Behind Bars (CBB) and Partakers Empowerment Program (PEP).

College Behind Bars (CBB) Program: TBZ is one of many religious communities involved in mentoring individuals who are enrolled in college degree programs while serving their prison sentences. Through monthly in-person meetings at the prison, mentors provide support and guidance for those who are incarcerated, ranging from a focus on their coursework to deep conversations about their lives. This is an extremely meaningful and rich experience for both mentors and mentees, and may last as long as the full 4 years of college enrollment.

Partakers Empowerment Program (PEP): This is a re-entry initiative, led by the Brandeis Education Justice Initiative,  in which formerly incarcerated people are involved in a 12-week virtual workshop to support their transition. TBZers who volunteer for this program are mentors to these individuals during the 12-week workshop period. There are weekly Zooms/phone calls with the mentees to support their transition and journey. As mentors, the volunteers provide general guidance on various challenges that occur during this transition which are outside the bandwidth of the workshops. The goal is to enable formerly incarcerated individuals to integrate themselves more fully into society in the most beneficial way.

Contact: Steve Lewis or Sara Smolover