Join us to celebrate together the first night of Hanukkah in Community! Games and Activities for all ages including adult learning and a tzedakah project, as well as our community-wide Hanukkiah lighting, singing, latkes and sufganyiyot!
Upstairs starting at 4pm:
Explore Hanukkah texts with Rabbi Ebn Leader
Downstairs starting at 4pm:
Enjoy a Puppet Show by Caravan Puppets for grades PK-4.
Caravan celebrates Hanukkah with tales of our favorite Hanukkah treat! “Latke’s For Everyone!” features hand-crafted puppets, beautiful staging, four tales, and heart and humor!
Beeswax candlemaking with Eden Village Camp
Lego Hanukkiah Contest: Can you construct a Hanukkiah out of Legos?
Jewpardy: Answer some challenging questions about the Festival of Lights!
Dreidel: Will you lose all of your gelt?
5pm: Community Candlelighting
Bring your own Hanukiyah with two candles to light while we sing and welcome the first night of Hanukkah together! Followed by Hanukkah treats! (Join us on Zoom for the candle-lighting if you cannot join in person at 5:00pm.)
Bring a donation for the Brookline Community Food Pantry!