Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Shared Sorrow, Shared Hope: Family Voices of Peace (in person and online)

September 25, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Co-sponsored by JCRC, TBZ, CDT and Temple Shalom.

The Parents Circle – Families Forum is a joint Israeli-Palestinian organization made up of more than 750 bereaved families. Their common bond is that they have lost a close family member to the conflict. But instead of choosing revenge, they have chosen a path of reconciliation. Through their educational activities, these bereaved members have joined together to take tens of thousands of Palestinians and Israelis on journeys of reconciliation. It is often raw and always emotional. But out of these interactions, comes change. Not the kind of change that makes headlines, but a more personal and profound shift in perspective.

As a joint Israeli-Palestinian peace organization, the PCFF models constructive dialogue around shared values. Even since October 7th, 2023, its staff, members, and thousands of participants are still committed to peace and a way forward that centers around empathy and humanization. The PCFF focuses on the shared value of the sanctity of human life. This conversation brings our attention to the values that Palestinians and Israelis can agree upon even in the darkest of times.

This program is multiaccess. Join us in-person at TBZ Brookline or register to receive the Zoom link.

American Friends of the Parents Circle – Families Forum shares the human side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the American public in order to foster a peace and reconciliation process.

Robi Damelin, spokesperson and director of International Relations for the Parents Circle – Families Forum joined the organization after her son was killed by a Palestinian Sniper. All her work on the ground both in Palestine and Israel and internationally is geared towards non-violence and reconciliation as a means to end the occupation. Robi was named as a 2015 Woman of Impact by Women in the World.

Laila Alsheikh lives in Bethlehem in the West Bank. In 2002, her 6 months old son, Qussay, became ill and Israeli soldiers prevented Layla from taking him to the hospital for more than five hours. Qussay soon died from the lack of timely treatment. 
Laila joined the Parents Circle in 2016. Following her son’s death, she never thought of revenge, but rather has devoted her time and energy to ensuring a better, more peaceful future for her children.
Listening from the Heart is a transformative program offering communities a chance to engage in meaningful dialogue about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a human perspective. Through compelling videos of personal narratives from bereaved Israelis and Palestinians, and a comprehensive Facilitator’s Guide, Listening from the Heart fosters understanding, empathy, and reconciliation.
