Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Kiddush Talk – From Rock Bottom to Return with Rabbi Carol Glass (in person)

September 21, 2024    
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Kiddush Talk – From Rock Bottom to Return:

The Steps of Teshuva and the Steps of Recovery 

with Rabbi Carol Glass

Shabbat, September 21, after services (in person)

As Jews, it is incumbent upon us to continually practice the Steps of Teshuva (repentance). This is especially true during the month of Elul as we enter the High Holidays and the Days of Awe. This practice shares much in common with the practices of Alcoholics Anonymous. Despite their Christian-informed roots, there are many deep similarities between the Steps of Teshuva that the Jewish tradition prescribes to prepare for the High Holidays (and all year round) and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Join Rabbi Carol Glass for an exploration of these practices, their steps and the parallels between them and the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and a discussion of how this knowledge can help inform your experience of Elul and the High Holidays. This program will also serve as the kickoff event for a new season of a weekly Jews and Addiction group which will meet at TBZ on Sunday mornings at 10:30am, starting Sept 22. Come on the 21st for more details! Open to all!