Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Freedom from Bondage: EMDR Therapy and the Process of Healing from Trauma with Debbie Korn (in person and online)

April 2, 2025    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Once the Israelites were free from the physical bondage of Mitzrayim (the narrow places) they had to begin to free themselves from the spiritual bondage of Mitzrayim. Trauma certainly leaves its mark. It can affect us—emotionally and spiritually—long after the actual trauma is over.  Debbie Korn, TBZ member and author of Every Memory Deserves Respect, will introduce the idea that it is possible to free oneself from that “bondage” with a therapeutic approach called EMDR. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an evidence-based, memory-focused psychotherapy that helps people deal with the impact and legacy of trauma and adverse experiences in their lives. It’s based on the idea that various psychological problems (e.g. PTSD, phobias, depression, anxiety) are related to a failure to adequately process traumatic experiences/memories.  Unprocessed traumatic memories, “frozen” or “locked” in our nervous system, continue to affect how we perceive things, decisions we make, reactions we have, and the beliefs we hold about ourselves and others.  EMDR therapy is all about helping people move from constriction to expansion, from immobilization to action, and from feeling inadequate and powerless to good enough and more powerful.  In EMDR therapy, we work on moving the past into the past and freeing people from the burdens that have haunted them or held them back in life.  As we approach Passover and contemplate how we might free ourselves from the remnants of Mitzrayim that continue to plague us (no pun intended), come and learn about this powerful and unique psychotherapy.

Join us in person or on Zoom.

This is a free event.