Monday, March 3, 7:30-8:30pm (in person)
Dr. Tanya Zion-Waldoks is a gender scholar, feminist activist, and mother, blending her academic pursuits with social justice work. Since January 2023, and particularly Oct 7th, she has become a protest photographer, capturing the ongoing struggle for democracy, peace, and the return of hostages.
This exhibit represents a small selection from the vast body of work produced by members of the “Sayeret,” a collective of volunteer photographers, driven by a profound concern for Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state. The civic struggles showcased here are a testament to Israelis’ dedication to their country, and their commitment to Israel’s historic mission and values, as outlined in its Declaration of Independence. Formed in 2020, the Sayeret works tirelessly to document, in real time, the ongoing civic struggle to preserve Israel’s democratic character, while advocating for renewing public trust via elections and bringing home the hostages. By July 2024, hundreds of photographers from across Israel contributed to this effort. The images they capture are widely distributed and shared through mainstream media and social media platforms in Israel and abroad. When viewed together, the images illuminate the breadth and intensity of Israel’s unprecedented pro-democracy civil protest movement. The photographers view their role as chronicling a pivotal moment in the nation’s history—a fight for Israel’s fundamental values and for hope itself (hatikva).