Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

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Kiddush Talk with TBZ Member, Leah Hagar Cohen (in person)

January 25, 2025    
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Kiddush Talk with TBZ Member 

Leah Hagar Cohen: To & Fro

Shabbat, January 25 

Ani, journeying across a great distance accompanied by a stolen kitten, meets many people along her way, but her encounters only convince her that she is meant to keep searching. Annamae, journeying from childhood to young adulthood alongside her mother, older brother, and the denizens of her Manhattan neighborhood, never outgrows her yearning for a friend she cannot describe. From their different worlds, Ani and Annamae reach across the divide, perhaps to discover—or perhaps to create—each other.