Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

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Nishmat Hayyim Presents: Norman Fischer, a Full Day Retreat – Online

March 20, 2022    
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Day Long Meditation Retreat with Zoketsu Norman Fischer

Sunday, March 20, 2022:   10 AM – 5 PM via ZOOM

Sponsored by Nishmat Hayyim at TBZ

Sacred Poetry, Sacred Feeling: Jewish Meditation and the Psalms.

The psalms are the centerpiece of Jewish liturgical practice. Passionate, sometimes joyful, sometimes desolate poems, they express the lyrical side of the Torah teachings. In this daylong event we’ll practice sitting and walking meditation and consider the psalms as sacred texts  expressing the range of feeling we all experience during the course of our spiritual life. There will be plenty of time for deep reflection and conversation. We’ll use Norman’s translation Opening to You: Zen-inspired Translations of the Psalms.


Download the flyer for this event.

About Zoketsu Norman Fischer 

Zoketsu Norman Fischer is a Zen Buddhist priest, teacher, poet, and a former abbot of San Francisco Zen Center. He is founder and teacher of the Everyday Zen Foundation ( dedicated to sharing Zen teaching and practice widely with the world. He is one of the most highly respected Zen teachers in America. Fischer and Rabbi Alan Lew (z”l) in January 2000 co-founded Makor Or, a San Francisco based Jewish meditation center that brings Jewish meditation to a new level by providing daily meditation, weekly classes, monthly retreats and a yearly intensive along with contemplative preparation for the holidays and these continue to be co-lead by Norman. An author and poet, you can view his works on both and Norman’s poetry traces a consciousness well aware, albeit often enough puzzled, by the ever changing conditions of self/other/environment/language. His writing reminds us of the idea that language is at once an avenue of imprisonment and liberation, and we may never be altogether certain which.