Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

Poetry “Potluck” with Rabbi Suzanne Offit (in person)

May 19, 2025    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Bring your own dairy/pareve lunch so we can learn and eat together! 

In addition, our souls also need nourishment, so bring your favorite poem to share for a “poetry pot-luck.” Please bring poems that are meaningful to you. Come prepared to share a little about the poet. You will need 15 copies (this is the potluck part!).

To share 15 copies you may 1) come at least 15 minutes early to class and photocopy in the TBZ office OR, 2) email your poem the Sunday night before class to 3) If your poem is in a book, simply take a photo of the poem and email it to Suzanne. 

Sponsored by Aging in Community, everyone is most welcome!

Winter/Spring 2025 dates:

Feb 3 & 24
March 3 & 17
April 7 & 28
May 5 & 19