Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA
Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |
כי ביתי בית-תפילה יקרא לכל-העמים
Ki veiti beit-tefillah yikare lekhol-ha`amim
For my house shall be a house of prayer for all people.
— Isaiah 56:5
Our TBZ community is inclusive and unique. Our members are diverse seekers and believers with a range of abilities and disabilities, committed to a range of Jewish practices and philosophical traditions, and energized by the potential of spiritual connection and social justice. TBZ is a place to find oneself and to be at peace among others. At TBZ we can freely proclaim” Hineni” – “Here we are!”- and remind ourselves of the special bond we have together and our commitment to being a place of full participation for people with all kinds of disabilities.
In 2017 Temple Beth Zion was honored to become a Congregational Partner of the Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project (RSIP), a joint program between the Ruderman Foundation and Combined Jewish Philanthropies. The mission of RSIP is to create communities where people of all abilities are valued equally and participate fully. We have used the grant in a variety of ways: to create accommodations designed to foster inclusion and accessibility for all our members. (see below)
More recently, RSIP has turned its attention to the issue of mental health and has come up with a range of initiatives. We are excited to announce that TBZ has joined with RSIP, and other synagogues in the greater Boston area, to focus on the often hidden and stigmatized area of mental illness. Our goal is to increase our general awareness of this issue and to learn what we, as individuals and as a community, can do to support those with mental health needs.
Throughout the year, we have promoted understanding of the issue of inclusion by hosting talks and workshops. Through these community-wide learning programs, we hope to make clear our commitment to include everyone in our community with a caring and open heart.
The Inclusion Committee welcomes your support and warmly invites you to join us. If you are interested in participating or would like to share any feedback or concerns, please contact us. We assure you that all communications will be kept confidential.