Shabbat Zimrah: 6:00-7:30pm Shabbat Zimrah brings the mystical sounds of Arab Jewry to the TBZ sanctuary. Co-led by artist-in-residence Yoni Battat on the oud, this [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Come bring each week to a close and start Shabbat together in community! Join us for spirited services with song, kavanah (intention) and celebration. We [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Co-sponsored by Kavod Boston and Base Boston and led by TBZ’s Musical Prayer Team and the mehalelim (praisers), once a month we raise our voices, [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Come bring each week to a close and start Shabbat together in community! Join us for spirited services with song, kavanah (intention) and celebration. We [...]
Shabbat Zimrah: 6:00-7:30pm Shabbat Zimrah brings the mystical sounds of Arab Jewry to the TBZ sanctuary. Co-led by artist-in-residence Yoni Battat on the oud, this [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Come bring each week to a close and start Shabbat together in community! Join us for spirited services with song, kavanah (intention) and celebration. We [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Come bring each week to a close and start Shabbat together in community! Join us for spirited services with song, kavanah (intention) and celebration. We [...]
Co-sponsored by Kavod Boston and Base Boston and led by TBZ’s Musical Prayer Team and the mehalelim (praisers), once a month we raise our voices, [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Wednesday, April 30, 11:30am Israel’s Declaration of Independence, read from the Egalitarian section of the Kotel (the Western Wall) is a festive event held every [...]
Come bring each week to a close and start Shabbat together in community! Join us for spirited services with song, kavanah (intention) and celebration. We [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Shabbat Zimrah: 6:00-7:30pm Shabbat Zimrah brings the mystical sounds of Arab Jewry to the TBZ sanctuary. Co-led by artist-in-residence Yoni Battat on the oud, this [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Come bring each week to a close and start Shabbat together in community! Join us for spirited services with song, kavanah (intention) and celebration. We [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Co-sponsored by Kavod Boston and Base Boston and led by TBZ’s Musical Prayer Team and the mehalelim (praisers), once a month we raise our voices, [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Come bring each week to a close and start Shabbat together in community! Join us for spirited services with song, kavanah (intention) and celebration. We [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom or YouTube. Click here to download the Shabbat Morning Siddur. [...]
Shabbat Zimrah: 6:00-7:30pm Shabbat Zimrah brings the mystical sounds of Arab Jewry to the TBZ sanctuary. Co-led by artist-in-residence Yoni Battat on the oud, this [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]
Come bring each week to a close and start Shabbat together in community! Join us for spirited services with song, kavanah (intention) and celebration. We [...]
Spend Shabbat morning in community. Our morning service is offered both in-person and on Zoom. Please call the office at 617-566-8171 for the Zoom link. [...]