Independent Jewish Shul in Brookline, MA

Contact Us: 617-566-8171 |

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  • Parshat Tzav/Parah: March 28, 2024

    Dear TBZ Community: My therapist often reminds me not to make generalizations, avoiding words like “always” (“This person always does x”) or “never”(“this person never says y”). Not only about…

  • Hospitality & Facilities

    TBZ has warm and welcoming spaces for all occasions — weddings, b’mitzvah celebrations, committee meetings, baby namings, anniversary dinners, non-profit events and community functions. We serve as a home to…

  • Death & Mourning

    Community Hevra Kadisha. If you would like to get more involved in Hesed@TBZ, need help, or have any questions please reach out to The Community Hevre Kadisha of Greater…

  • Parshat Behar: May 23, 2024

    Dear TBZ Community: I am still beaming with joy from our annual Community Retreat on Cape Cod last weekend. Close to one hundred and forty people, ranging from 2 months…

  • Parshat Tazria: April 11, 2024

    Dear TBZ Community: This Shabbat our Torah portion, Parshat Tazria, includes God’s description of the role of the kohen (“priest”) to Moses and Aaron, a role perhaps best described as…

  • Chol Ha’Moed Pesach: April 25, 2024

    Dear TBZ Community: This year I entered Passover with a heavy heart and a full mind – I imagine many of you did as well. How can we celebrate freedom…

  • Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech: September 7, 2023

    Dear TBZ Community, This is the last Shabbat of the year! And the last week of the year 5783! Here we are on the cusp of a New Year –…