TBZ’s Board of Directors is responsible for setting policy for the synagogue and for overseeing the health and welfare of the congregation, long-range planning, and all activities and property of the congregation.
The TBZ Board of Directors is composed of the President or co-Presidents, Vice President, 10-12 At-Large Directors, plus the Immediate Past-President. Terms are for two years and a Director may serve two consecutive terms. The President(s), Vice Presient, Treasurer, Secretary, one Director of the Board, Senior Rabbi, and Executive Director comprise the Executive Committee, which addresses matters of day-to-day importance and creates the Board Agenda.
Nominations to the Board are brought by the Governance and Nominating Committee to the community at our Annual Community Meeting each May/June for the election of the slate to fill Board positions.
Board meetings are bi-monthly and focus on issues of long-term strategic importance to the Congregation as well as more short-term priorities. The Rabbi and the Executive Director attend meetings and report directly to the Board.
Membership on the Board carries with it responsibilities beyond the setting of policy. Board members are expected to take leadership positions in committees, task forces, or initiatives of the Board.
By participating on the Board of Directors, community members have the opportunity to contribute their professional or lay expertise to our community. We believe our members can make a significant impact in the life of our shul and the realization of the TBZ mission. We are always seeking people who have an interest in sharing and developing their commitment, skills and experience. If you are interested in taking a more active role in shul leadership, please contact the Co-Presidents.
Co-Presidents | Jen Klein & Larry Kraus |
Immediate Past President; Governance and Nominating Chair |
Carol Kamin |
Administration and Finance Chair | Steve Lewis |
Development Chair | Samuel Mendoza de Fraiman |
Education and Programming Chair | Felicia Kazer |
Membership Chair | Rebecca Blouwolff |
Social Justice and Action Chair | Susan Bookbinder |
Synagogue Practices Chair | Rachie Lewis |
At-Large Board Members | Mark Barnett Len Fishman Rachel Goodman Jordan Meranus David Neiman Renee Rudnick |
Past Presidents | Sara Smolover Sue Kahn Tali Walters Jenni Seicol David Cherenson Jonathan Klein Fran Adams Jay Zagorsky Enid Shulman Myra Musicant Howard Cohen Irwin Pless Gabriel Belt z”l |